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How to increase blog traffic: Simple Guides

how increase traffic to your website


The best way to increase blog traffic is by writing great content. However, there are many other ways that you can use to improve your blog and increase visitors. Here are some tips:

Write great content

Writing great content is the first step to increasing traffic to your blog.

  • Use keyword research. Keywords are words that people search for, so you should use the keywords you want to rank for in your title, meta description, and body copy. You can find the best keywords using tools like Google AdWords or SEMRush. Then, make sure that those keywords are included in each blog post’s title and body copy (but not too many times).
  • Write a catchy headline. Your headline needs to be interesting enough that people will want to click on it – don’t just write “Blog Post Title.” Include keywords from your keyword research here as well!
  • Create interesting useful content that solves problems in a smart way (or entertains). This will help people remember what they read when they get back online at a later date–and hopefully, visit again soon!

Produce quality posts consistently

  • Write great content.
  • Produce quality posts consistently.
  • Write a great headline.
  • Have a great blog design focused on readability.
  • Have an SEO Friendly Blog.
  • Keyword research is important! The best way to find out what people are actually searching for is by using Google’s keyword planner tool or checking out your competition’s most popular keywords and seeing what they are writing about on their site, blog, and social media channels. You can then use this information to create better content that will be more likely to drive traffic from search engines than if you wrote about something unrelated just because it was interesting to you personally! This also helps with the next step which is…
  • Put a video In your content to increase blog traffic: Videos help increase engagement with readers who might otherwise bounce off the page after reading only one paragraph of text without even clicking through any links or scrolling down below the fold – especially if they’re skimming through quickly due to being distracted by other things happening around them (like having dinner with friends). Videos also give people something visual rather than having too much text-based content making them feel bored while reading through all those words – again causing them not want to continue reading anything else beyond what they’ve already seen thus far… unless it’s broken up into smaller chunks like this one 😉

Write a great headline

While the subject matter of your blog post is important, what’s even more important is how you communicate that subject matter. The headline of your blog post is the only chance you have to grab the attention of your readers and make sure they click through to read more. It’s also one of the first things Google will see when it crawls through its index: if your headline doesn’t do a good job summarizing what people will find on your page then it could hurt your SEO rankings.

When writing headlines for blogs posts, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use keywords (but don’t overdo it) – A good rule of thumb is that there should be no more than three keywords per headline. This can be hard since keyword stuffing isn’t allowed by most search engines and tends to look spammy. But try not to go overboard! If possible, use long-tail keywords instead; these are phrases with lots of words rather than just single words like “how to write great headlines” or “best ways for making good headlines”. Those would work better than just trying “write” or “good”.

Have a great blog design focused on readability

Blog design is a key component of any strategy for building a blog. The choices you make about the look of your blog, its layout, and its design are all important factors to consider when designing your blog.

If you want to write about something interesting and useful for the readers, you’ll need to be able to read the content. However, if you want to create an article that will attract more traffic and generate more revenue from your blog then you need a great post design that can help you achieve this goal. Here are some tips on how to have a great blog design focused on readability.

Have an SEO-Friendly Blog

  • Use keywords in your article
  • Use keywords in your blog post title
  • Use keywords in your blog post URL
  • Use keywords in your blog post meta description
  • Use keywords in your blog post meta title (if you use one)
  • Use keywords in the first paragraph of your post, or at least one subheading of it (see point 7 below). When writing a new article, try to think of as many related topics as possible and include their names within the text – this will help Google find them when they crawl and index your site’s pages again.

The same goes for internal links: make sure that you link out to external sources relevant to what you’re writing about so web crawlers know how relevant those resources are to readers searching for information about similar topics on other sites like yours.

If possible try using anchor text instead of default URLs whenever possible; this makes it easier for users viewing statistics generated from Google Analytics/Adwords reports since they’ll know exactly where these links lead without having access beforehand

keyword research to increase blog traffic

Keyword research is the most important part of increasing blog traffic. This is because you need to know what your target audience is searching for and more importantly, how they are searching for it.

Google Keyword Planner helps you find out what keywords people are using when they search online. You can use this tool to get an idea of how many people search for a particular keyword. How much competition there is in that market, and what kinds of terms are popular. It’s good practice to start with longtail keywords and then try broad match versions until you find something that works well for you.

Put a video In your content

Another way to improve your blog is by putting videos in your content. Videos can be a great way to get more views and shares, but they aren’t always simple to create. Follow these tips below to make sure that you are creating quality videos that will increase engagement on your blog:

  • Use high-quality recording equipment – Even if you’re just using a smartphone, investing in good audio recording equipment will ensure that viewers enjoy the experience of watching your video and don’t get distracted by poor sound quality. You might even want to invest in professional video editing software like Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro CC so that you have access to advanced features like motion tracking, color grading, and effects processing. This will allow you some flexibility when editing together different shots of different subjects into one cohesive scene with seamless transitions between them (like panning left across a still photo).
  • Make sure people can see what’s going on – If someone watches a video from behind their laptop screen at work or school then there’s no point uploading it because they won’t be able to see anything!

Promote your new blog posts

Once you’ve published a new blog post, it’s time to promote it! There are many ways to share your content with the world.

Here’s how:

Use social media. Social media is an effective way to get your posts in front of more people, but only if you know how and when to use it.

Be sure not to overdo it with social media promotion or else people will stop following you (and also no one likes spammy ads).

Social media can be a great way to get people interested in what you have to say, especially if you use it correctly. When writing articles, think about who will be reading them and then tailor the content for that audience.

Email newsletter. Another great way to get the word out about what’s written on your blog is by sending out email newsletters every time there has been a new post added or updated on the site.

This can be done through an automated delivery system like MailChimp or another similar service provider for email marketing campaigns. like Constant Contact where subscribers can opt-in before receiving updates from any particular account holder such as yourself .which means that all interested parties will receive timely updates from these platforms without having any extra work involved apart from adding new articles as they become available online – which means less pressure on yourself while still giving readers something valuable enough that they’ll want more content throughout each day.

Other blogs/​sites/​forums/​social networks etc… You might want to check out other blogs too before making any decisions about where else might be worth visiting right now.”

optimize website speed and load

Use a CDN to increase blog traffic. A content delivery network (CDN) is a service that hosts your website content on servers that are physically located closer to your visitors, making it quicker for them to load. These days, most web hosting providers offer their own CDN service, so it’s easy to take advantage of this.

Use caching plugins. Caching plugins can be used in conjunction with CDNs or on their own to cache static versions of your site’s pages on the server itself so they don’t need to be re-downloaded every time someone visits them. This will significantly speed up page load times by reducing the amount of data that needs be downloaded each time someone views your website. Some popular caching plugins include WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and Hyper Cache Pro – all of which have free versions available but also some paid plans too if you want more advanced features like support for WordPress Multisite networks or other specialized needs like serving up different types images based on device type (mobile phones vs desktops).

Choose a fast hosting provider with SSD storage instead HDD/SAS drives because they’re much faster than HDDs and SAS drives. Because they use solid-state memory instead of spinning disks which slow down response times significantly due to moving parts involved whereas SSDs have no moving parts and therefore run at blazing fast speeds!

You can also use Ezoic to increase blog traffic and user experience, I think this will be the perfect choice cause the offer a lot of website performance for free.

make your own group on social media to increase blog traffic

  • Create your own group on social media.
  • Ask your followers to join the group.
  • Ask other people in your niche to join the group and ask them to invite their friends from their groups as well

You can create a group on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Telegram and Twitter. You can also create a group on Instagram if you are using it for blogging purposes or business promotion.

Guest blog on other blogs to increase blog traffic

Guest blogging is a great way to build your brand, gain new readers and build relationships with other bloggers. You can get a link back to your own blog, which helps search engine rankings.

To increase blog traffic, guest blogging on other blogs in your niche will help you reach an audience of people who are interested in what you have to say. Guest blogging is also an effective way of getting links from authoritative sites. The more authoritative the site that links back to your site, the better it will be for increasing traffic and improving search rankings.

The important thing is not so much how many times you guest blog but where you do it – there are some places online where it makes sense (and others where it doesn’t). For example:

Have a great hook for your blog post

Hooks are important, and they can be the difference between having a blog post people read and one that gets ignored. A hook is a way to grab your readers’ attention, whether it’s in the title of your blog post or at the beginning, depending on what works best for you.

If a reader sees an interesting title or introduction that makes them want to know more about what you’re writing about, then they will keep reading (and hopefully sharing!).

Here are some examples:

  • “I ate so many Oreos that I went blind.” This is an attention-grabbing first sentence from Greg Dean’s article “Why I’m Going To Eat More Oreos.” He goes on to describe his experience eating 60 Oreos in one sitting—and why he did it—but this opening sentence is enough for most people who love Oreos (me) to keep reading until the end of his story about his quest for more deliciousness.
  • “How not to lose everything when you set off on an adventure?” In this sentence from my own article How Not To Lose Everything When Setting Off On An Adventure (a great title), I immediately start with something that might cause panic in any adventurer: losing their stuff! But instead of stopping there, I follow up with some advice so they can prevent such a fate from happening.

Use Push notification

  • Use Push notification

Push notifications are the most used feature for marketing apps and websites. It is a great way to get traffic from your blog and generate leads by sending notifications to your readers when you publish any new article or content on your website.

This can be done by using an app called Pushwoosh which allows you to send push notifications from any platform whether it is WordPress, Shopify or other CMS platforms. You also need a subscription plan for this app.


In conclusion, here are 5 tips to help you get started with increasing your blog traffic. 1) Post regularly and consistently on a schedule that fits your lifestyle. 2) Write great content that captivates the reader’s attention and keeps them coming back for more! 3) Make sure to have an SEO-friendly design focused on readability with keywords in mind 4) Promote new posts through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter where people who aren’t already familiar with your site might see them when searching inside those networks themselves. 5)) Guest blog on other sites if possible because linking back can bring them all over towards yours too easily.

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